Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Photos from the VI. International bonsai exhibition in Ljubljana

Members of the Slovenian bonsai club organized the VI. International bonsai exhibition which took place in Hotel Mons in Ljubljana. There ware more than 60 trees from Italy, Austria, Hungary and Slovenia in the show. In my opinion the level of the exhibition was on a very good level. 

Japanese garden by Valter Škrabar

There ware live demonstration each day from three artist Nik Rozman (Slovenia), Andrea Melloni (Germany) and Sandor Papp (Hungary). I will publish separate posts from this demonstrations in the next couple of days. Tomaž Kovšca also made a guided tour for the visitors each day.

Tomaž Kovšca made a guided tour for the visitors

In this post I would like to share photos of the trees which ware in the show. Its all about the trees.

Cornus mas by Nik Rozman - Best tree in the show award

Juniper by Tomaž Kovšca - Best tree in the show by visitors choice

Chamaecyparis by Rajko Podgornik Reš - Nomination

Phyilirea angustifloya by Stefano Del Pin - Nomination

Picea abies by Nik Rozman - Nomination

Chamaecyparis pisifera by Natan Petek - Nomination

Carpinus betulus by Roman Balajc

Larix by Rajko Podgornik Reš

Acer palmatum by Marczika Bonsai Studio

Taxus baccata by Marczika Bonsai Studio

Pinus penthaphylla by Janez Oblak

Juniperus by Natan Petek

 Picea abies by Miha Medvešek

Pinus parviflora zuisho by Rajko Podgorik Reš

Juniperus by Rajko Podgornik Reš

Juniperus by Blaž Jemec

Juniperus by Nik Rozman

Betula pendula by Blaž Konec

Azalea by Rajko Podgornik Reš

Ulmus minor by Gino Sorgo

Azalea by Nik Rozman

Azalea by Miha Medvešek

Stewartia by Marczika Bonsai Studio

Thuja by Nik Rozman

Carpinus betulus by Blaž Konec

Olea by Silvio Pianigiani

Chamaecyparis by Miha Medvešek

Carpinus coreana by Rajko Podgornik Reš

Chamaecyparis by Rajk Podgornik Reš

Ficus retusa by Tomaž Kovšca

Pinus pentaphyla by Tomaž Hafner

Juniperus by Rajko Podgornik Reš

Azalea by Nik Rozman

Taxus bacatta by Alessandro Liubich

Juniperus by Tomaž Kovšca

Juniperus by Rajko Podgornik Reš

Ginko by Tomaž Hafner

Tillia cordata by Marija Bogataj

Buxus by Detlef Mostler

Juniperus by Piero Cantu

Azalea by Luca Mazzuchin

Acer buergerianum by Klaus Kulterer

Chamaecyparis by Detlef Mostler

Juniperus by Tilen Petek

Carpinus betulus by Tilen Petek
Azalea by Valter Škrabar

Junperus by Valter Škrabar


Anonymous said...

Man, you've managed to get ALMOST ALL the names wrong!

First off, the short taxonomical names usually come in pairs: generic name plus specific name, with only the generic one being capitalized.
Secondly, these are the ones you've gotten wrong even if we disregard capitalization errors:

Chemacyparis: Chamaecyparis
Phyilirea Angustifloya: Phillyrea angustifolia
Abies Picea: Picea abies
Taxus Bacatta: Taxus baccata
Pinus Penthaphylla: Pinus pentaphylla (well, it's really Pinus parviflora)
Stevartia: Stewartia
Tillia Cordata: Tilia cordata
Carpinus Coreana: Carpinus koreana (well, it's really Carpinus turczaninowii)
Baxux: Buxus

Unknown said...

Man, thanks for the correction of the names.
Cheers, Roland

Anonymous said...

Shall we take lesson number two, or will you go through the previous list again and really correct all the mistakes this time?

Janez said...

Folk ima pa res čas! Koji k...., pa če vse napišeš narobe, konec koncev je to tvoj blog!
Mislim da ni panike , ker ne pišem v angleščini, saj anonimnež po vsej verjetnosti razume!
Tebi Roland pa nasvet, da anonimneže brišeš, če se nimajo jajc identificirati!

Anonymous said...

Janez, a ti pa imaš jajca? Jaz te, na primer, ne poznam. Če bi bili striktni, bi moral navesti še priimek, ime ulice, številko ulice, pošto, poštno številko, ime očeta, spol matere, vse.

l.p. Marko