Monday, May 3, 2010

Juniperus Prokumbens Nana - Cascade

I found this Juniper (Juniperus Prokumbens Nana) in TORA in 2009 and I decidet to add him to my colection. In the first year I only made some basic branch selection and some first design steps in the direction to the final goal.

06-2009 - Juniper after purchase

07-2009 - After branch selection and cleaning

I then let the tree to rest and only watered it, fed with fertilizer and did some basic pruning.

In spring of 2010 I went to Tomaž Kovšca for an advanced workshop, where we established the first serious form of the tree. Part of the story from the workshop is available on Tomaž-s blog.

03-2010 - Before the workshop
03-2010 - After the workshop

The plan for the next stages is to transplant the Juniper to a higher and narrower pot, and to bring the lower branch more toward the center.

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